domingo, 24 de marzo de 2013

La Mala / The Bad one

En Buenos Aires a mediados de los años 90, muchos de nosotros eramos "Radio Piratas" y nos divertíamos haciendo experimentos... Con ustedes fotos exclusivas de "LA MALA", así le decían a la portadora que aparecía misteriosamente en los 143.900 Mhz y enmudecía la frecuencia, cuando "LA MALA", estaba al aire, nadie mas hablaba, amplificador de 500 W y antenas enfasadas a mas de 70 Mts de altura... 

In Buenos Aires in the middle of the 90s, many of us eramos " I Remove Pirates " and we were amusing ourselves doing experiments... With you exclusive photos of " THE BAD ONE ", this way they were saying to him to the carrier that it was appearing mysteriously in 143.900 Mhz and was silencing the frequency, when " THE BAD ONE ", was to the air, nobody mas was speaking, amplifier of 500 W and antennas enfasadas to more of 70 Mts of height...